The Extra 330LX is the most uncompromising foam aerobatic model and is in no way inferior to its wooden brothers. Multiplex didn’t skimp on the design or the components. For example, the wings have a stable, wound, light carbon tube spars and the fuselage has a lasered and weight-optimized M-frame.
As a result, the model achieves incredible strength and is predestined for hard 3D and XA flight style. Since the Extra can be controlled extremely precisely and flies very neutrally (no mixers are required), all classic aerobatic maneuvers can also be flown precisely and effortlessly. The Extra snaps into place with snaps or rolls and oscillates very little in the Harrier. This makes it easy to learn new characters or to internalize the controls.
The Extra 330LX is the first foam model in which Multiplex has installed the high-quality servos from the Hitec D series.
These are characterized by high precision (32bit resolution), high actuating force (4kg x cm) and the proven soft start. The drive was redesigned and a special, highly efficient propeller was developed specifically for the Extra. As you can see: only the highest quality RC components are used in the Extra 330LX. This guarantees you the best flight performance and puts a smile on your face every time you take off.
The Extra hangs very directly on the rudders, making it look very mature in the air.
The new Extra 330LX is the perfect training machine for advanced and pros who want to keep improving – or just want to escalate a lap on the dirt track.
Warning: The receiver used with this airplane must be compatible with 50hz analog servos. Using a receiver intended for digital servo frame rate will ruin the included servos.
Technical specifications